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How Do You Make Space In Little Alchemy 1 Step By Step

How to Make Space in Little Alchemy


In the captivating world of Little Alchemy, players embark on an enchanting journey, combining elements to create new substances and objects. Among the vast array of possibilities, creating Space holds a special allure, unlocking boundless opportunities for exploration and creativity.

Methods to Craft Space

Method 1: Air + Fire

Ascendance to Space begins with the ethereal union of Air and Fire. By merging these celestial elements, you shall witness the birth of Space, a realm where stars twinkle and galaxies dance.

Method 2: Stone + Stone

In a collision of cosmic proportions, two Stone elements collide, giving rise to the vast expanse of Space. This method harnesses the unyielding strength of stone to forge the boundless realm where celestial bodies reside.

Method 3: Earth + Fire

A symphony of Earth and Fire weaves the intricate tapestry of Space. As the molten core of Fire embraces the solidity of Earth, it transforms into the boundless void where cosmic wonders unfold.


Through the alchemy of elements, you have now mastered the art of creating Space in Little Alchemy. Let your imagination soar beyond the confines of our earthly realm as you explore the celestial wonders that await your discovery.
